Thursday, August 6, 2009

Algaecide : About Algae Control Products Like Algaefix

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If you've reached this page, it probably meant you were directed here from elsewhere or you got here because of a google search on "algaefix". Perhaps you're looking to purchase this product or maybe you just want some general information on it. Well this post doesn't promote algaefix in fact i'll flat out tell you not to use this along with any other type of algaecide for your aquarium or pond.

But first, lets talk about the product. Algaefix is a liquid algae killer that was designed for freshwater aquariums and ponds in mind. There is also "algaefix marine" which was developed for saltwater tanks as well. Algae fix claims to effectively deal with phytoplankton (green water) and filamentous algae in ponds, tanks, water fountains and any body of freshwater that has an algae problem. I also claims to be safe for your fishes and plants.

Such products are not new. On the market there are many other brands including algone, algaequel by amquel and many others. Do they work? Yes they do. So whats my beef with such products? I have 3 points of contention with such products and i'll go through them one by one.

My first problem with algae fix is something that is printed on the side of the bottle. It reads ,"Do NOT use AlgaeFix with crustaceans, including crabs, shrimp, freshwater shrimp and freshwater lobsters". So its not safe with crustaceans huh? Well what else isn't safe with crustaceans that is also used to control algae? Copper Sulfate, a deadly algaecide. I'm not saying this product does have copper for sure but i seems like there's some amount of it involved. I do not condone the use of copper algaecide simply because it is very toxic and a danger to the environment. Algaecide destroys the microfauna that is part of the ponds ecosystem.

My second problem with this product stems from various reports on the internet by users of algaefix. There have been reports of fish dying in large numbers after a few days of use. These aren't isolated cases, just do a quick google on "algaefix fish dying" or something and see for yourself.

My last point of contention with algaefix has to do with the fact that it is not a permanent solution. The algae will come back simply because algaefix did not address the root cause of the nuisance algae bloom in the first place. Algae blooms happen because of elevated nutrient levels.

If you're still interested in purchasing algae fix then hey, i can't stop you, knock yourself out on the stuff. But if you're looking for a long-term solution to a long-term algae problem then check out my guide on algae control.